Dkw Logo PNG Vector

Dkw Logo Details

Aspect Description
Introduction DKW (Dampf-Kraft-Wagen) was a German automobile and motorcycle manufacturer that played a significant role in the development of two-stroke engines and lightweight vehicles.
Design The DKW logo features a simple yet bold design, often associated with innovation and reliability, reflecting the brand’s technical achievements.
Meaning The acronym "DKW" initially referred to "Dampf-Kraft-Wagen" (steam-powered vehicle) and later evolved to stand for the company's expertise in two-stroke engine technology.
Typography The typography is clean and classic, reflecting the brand's heritage and engineering focus.
Font Name Classic Sans Serif
Shape The logo is emblematic and features a shield-like shape, symbolizing protection, durability, and tradition.
Year Founded 1916
Company DKW (part of Auto Union, now Audi)
Country Germany Germany
Category Automobiles
Official Website N/A (historical brand, now part of Audi)

Dkw Logo Evolution

YearLogoDownload Year Logo
1916Dkw Logo 1916Download Dkw 1916 Logo